Parent Teacher Guild

Parent involvement is an integral part of our school, through your help The Samuel School would be able to create the Godly atmosphere we desire for our students. Getting involved is a great way to show your children that you take great interest in their education.

We want to welcome you and help you make the most of your volunteer experience, whether you are a prayer partner, a classroom helper, a special subject teacher or a helper in any other area, we are very thankful that you consider our school a worthwhile cause.

 We have created The Samuel School Parent Teacher Guild (PTG) committee is what many schools would call the PTO or PTA.  Noah Webster defines guild as a society, fraternity or company of people associated for some purpose or like interest. The PTG is called a guild because of a “like interest” in the equipping of students. While similar to a PTO or PTA, the PTG Committee focuses on actively engaging all TSS families in the life of the school.

The goal of the PTG Committee is to engage TSS families during the school year through a variety of activities.  If you have any questions please contact VirginiaPeck by email at