Tuition is the main income stream that permits the school to operate and provide the valuable, God-centered education our students receive. Further support comes in from businesses making use of the Pennsylvanian Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. EITC funds are contributed to The Samuel School and then distributed to qualifying families as determined by a 3rd party organization (FACTS).

Tuition includes most books, school activities including the PrayGround, lab supplies, student insurance, and participation in many student activities. A “supply list” for each grade level is sent to each family in July ranging in price from $100 to $150 per child.

Tuition and Payment Information

FACTS Tuition Assistance Application

Tuition is provided on a per family basis as many variables go into determining what is a fair investment into your child's education. Please contact to schedule a meeting to discuss this important topic.

Tuition and Payment Schedule