We encourage each and every family to pray and ask the Lord for His leading through the whole process.
1 – Complete and submit the Online School Application (Paper version is available upon request if you prefer) - $50 processing fee.
2 – After the application has been processed the Admission Office will call to set up a family interview at your convenience. Please plan to bring the perspective student(s) along to this interview.
3 – Upon a successful interview for both parents and school, The Samuel School will then follow up a Tuition Plan Agreement Proposal. Parents have up to 10 days to determine if the agreement proposal is acceptable. If time is of the essence, scholarship support applications can be submitted prior to the school visit so that scholarship details can be discussed during the school visit.
4 – Upon acceptance and return of the Tuition Plan Agreement formal acceptance of the student(s) is made.
5 – Final paperwork steps include completing and submitting the Enrollment Packet with all necessary documentation. The fee to process this form is $150 if completed by June 1st and $250 if completed after June 1st.
Documents to include with the Enrollment Packet: vaccination record, school readiness physical, record request form and other forms included within the Enrollment Packet.
Submission of the Enrollment Packet completes the parent's responsibility! Parents are now included in all school-wide communications as well as invited to any related activities.
* There is no annual fee for re-enrollment
** Intake Testing occurs in late summer or the beginning of the school year. There is no fee for intake testing.
Any questions, concerns or if you need assistance in the process please contact the school office at (717) 557-1119.