In brief, the Kingdom of God is a form of government. In the Bible, we see Jesus primarily representing Himself not as a religious leader but rather as the King of a Kingdom. John 13:37a states, "Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world." Some think that the Kingdom of God is reserved for after death. Jesus taught differently. He stated that the Kingdom is within reach now (Matthew 3:2) and in fact that it is within us as believers (Luke 17:21).
This form of government, like all forms of government, sustains a culture through its values and priorities. The culture of King Jesus, or the Kingdom culture, is the school culture we are seeking and embracing here at The Samuel School. We look forward to talking with you more if you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you to become part of a Kingdom EducationTM school.
The Kingdom of God is applicable to all of life. It has only been in recent times, with the secularization efforts of Greek learning models, has it been attempted to "leave God out of learning." In contrast, the Hebraic manner of education is to keep learning in relationship to God and practical in application. The enemy is not foolish and he knows if he can keep people busy with much learning, like Martha who kept busy with much working, then he has succeeded in distracting people from the One Thing that is most needed.
Why is it important for students to live and be a part of a Kingdom Education school? Because Kingdom living is God's desire for each and every child. A Kingdom lifestyle is not something we pull out for a few hours a week but rather is a consistent way of living that embraces His Kingdom in all areas of living. Below are characteristics we seek to develop in Kingdom Education students. Students who are ever seeking to:
Revelation from God supports Kingdom expansion as declared in Isaiah 9:7. As we seek His Kingdom and righteousness, on earth as it is in Heaven, God is faithful to give us a fish and not a scorpion. We are desperate for God's will for our school and the families we serve.
Below are four influences the Lord has brought to our attention that reveal His Kingdom, each in a unique manner. These Kingdom Education Streams have been like hidden treasure, some taking many years to find. Each influence contributes to the unique identity of The Samuel School and is such a blessing to us as a school as we continue our pursuit in developing a Kingdom culture!
Learn more about each Kingdom Education Stream: